Actions are the "effect" of an interaction. Actions affect the look, feel, or behavior of your prototype. Anything that changes in your prototype is a result of an action.
Actions are added to triggers in Interaction Mode. Triggers cause one or more actions to fire. Together, triggers and actions create an interaction.
There are many types of actions:
Navigation actions relate to users' navigation between pages, sheets, and views
Effect actions relate to native iOS effects like blur or SF Symbol animation
Content actions relate to text, image, and video data
Native Device actions relate to the appearance, status bar, and haptics
Native iOS Control actions relate to native iOS elements' behavior
Camera actions relate to the device's camera and library
Video actions relate to the playback of videos
Native Map actions relate to live Apple map elements
Audio actions relate to the playback of audio files
Rive actions relate to Rive files
Miscellaneous actions
Types of Actions
An action that adjusts an object property.
An action that changes a component's state.
An action that animates a component between states.
An action that scrolls a container horizontally.
An action that scrolls a container vertically.
An action that fires an event that a Custom Event trigger listens for.
An action that starts a Timer trigger.
An action that starts a Timer trigger.
An action that resets an object's properties to its default values.
Navigation Actions
An action that opens a page as a native sheet.
An action that navigates a user to a new page.
An action that closes a native sheet.
An action that navigates a user back to the previous page.
An action that shows or hides a native navigation bar.
An action that shows or hides a native tab bar.
An action that takes the user to a URL in their browser.
An action that loads or removes a page in a page loader element.
Effect Actions
An action that adjusts the blur on a layer.
An action that adjusts a layer's native progressive.
An action that animates an SF Symbol icon.
Content Actions
An action that adds copy to a text element.
An action that adds image data to an image element.
An action that adds video content to a video element.
An action that replaces one SF Symbol icon with another.
An action that formats a number variable displayed in a text element.
An action that rounds a number variable displayed in a text element.
Native Device Actions
An action that changes the UI appearance to light or dark mode.
An action that plays haptic feedback.
An action that changes the appearance of the device's status bar.
Native iOS Control Actions
An action that selects a segment of a segmented control.
An action that dismisses an open native keyboard.
An action that focuses a text field and opens the keyboard.
Native Camera Actions
An action that opens the device's camera above the prototype.
An action that opens the device's photo library.
An action that captures the view of a camera element.
An action that changes a camera element's lens.
An action that sets the appearance of a camera element's preview.
Native Video Actions
An action that controls the playback of a video file.
Native Map Actions
An action that selects or unselects a pin on a native map.
Native Audio Actions
An action that controls the playback of an audio file.
An action that mutes the sound of an audio file.
An action that adjusts the volume of an audio file.
An action that changes a waveform element’s audio input.
An action that controls how a waveform responds to an audio input.
Rive Actions
An action that controls the playback of a Rive file.
An action that sets a text value within a Rive file.
An action that controls a Rive file's state and input.
An action that duplicates an object within your prototype.
An action that removes an object within your prototype.
An action that changes the value of a variable.
An action that changes the values in an array variable.
An action that displays a value for debugging, separate and above a prototype's UI.
A helper that uses logic to fire different actions in different circumstances.
A helper that applies an action(s) multiple times.
A helper that applies animation settings to multiple actions at once.
A helper that applies a delay to multiple actions at once.
A helper that fires every X seconds.
A helper that selects a target for multiple actions at once.