Animate blocks apply a delay, duration, and easing curve to multiple actions at once. Animate blocks help choreograph multi-action interactions without changing each action’s animation settings individually.
Anatomy of an Animate Block
Animate blocks have two sections: Animate and On Complete. Each has its own set of actions.
Actions on the Animate section will animate according to the settings on the Animate block.
Actions on the On Complete section will fire immediately when the animation finishes (after the delay time + duration time). These actions will not animate according to the settings on the Animate block.
Animate Properties
The number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action(s) beginning.
The number of seconds the action will take to complete.
Choose the action's easing curve: Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, Spring, and Custom (write your easing curve using the Expression Editor).