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Set Rive Input Action
Set Rive Input Action

An action that controls a Rive file's state and input.

Updated over 2 months ago


Set Rive Input actions control a Rive file's interactive values, like states and inputs. To read more, check out Rive's State Machine support page.

Please note Rive inputs only work if the animation is playing, so you'll often want autoplay turned on in the Rive file's element settings.

Action Properties


Select the Rive element that the action will affect.

State Machine

Set the Rive file's state, which is created in Rive.


Set the input type, which is created in Rive as a Boolean (on/off), Trigger (specific animation with a start and end), or Numeric (a number associated with a value).

If the trigger is distinct (like tap or press), set the input's value.

If the trigger is continuous (like pan or scroll), set a range of input values to move through.

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