Set Video Playback actions control the behavior of a video element. A Set Video Playback action can play, pause, or stop a video, seek through it, or change its loop properties.
Action Properties
Select the video element that the action will control.
Set the video file's behavior to play, pause, stop, seek, or loop:
Toggle: Toggle between playing and pausing the video.
Pause: Pause the video.
Play: Play the video.
Stop: Stop the video. When played again, it will restart.
Seek: Change the current playback location.
Loop: Change the video's loop property's value.
Seek Playback Properties
Set the type of seek behavior:
Seek To: Change the playback location to a given timestamp in seconds (Time).
Seek Percent: Change the playback location to a given percent progress (Seek Progress).
Seek By: Rewind or skip forward by X seconds. Select the direction and distance in seconds.