Round Number action takes a raw number variable and rounds it to a certain decimal place to be displayed in a text element. You can round the number before the decimal point to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand or after the decimal point to the nearest tenth, hundredth, or thousandth.
Action Properties
Select the text element that this action will affect.
Select the number variable that this action will format.
Before Decimal
Set if the number variable should be rounded to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand:
None: ex. 2732
0. (ten): ex. 2730
00. (hundred): ex. 2700
000. (thousand): ex. 3000
The more zeros, the more the number is rounded.
After Decimal
Set if the number variable should be rounded to the nearest tenth, hundredth, or thousandth:
None: ex. 3.193722
0. (ten): ex. 3.2
00. (hundred): ex. 3.19
000. (thousand): ex. 3.194
The more zeros, the less the number is rounded.