Set SF Symbol actions set the icon in an SF Symbol element. Any of the 5000+ Apple-created, Play-provided SF Symbols can be used. You can customize the animation and, if the selected SF symbol has multiple layers, the variable fill.
Action Properties
Select the SF Symbol element that this action will affect.
Set the icon that will be added to the SF Symbol element.
Variable Progress
Set the SF Symbol's layers' opacity based on a percent value (only applicable to some icons).
Replace Animation
Choose if and how the new icon animates into view:
By Layer
Set if the full icon should animate at once or animate each layer sequentially (only applicable to some icons). (only available when Replace Animation is turned on)
Choose how the new icon animates into view (only available when Replace Animation is turned on):
Down Up: The existing icon scales down and fades out, and the new icon scales up and fades in.
None Up: The existing icon fades out, and the new icon scales up and fades in.
Up Up: The existing icon scales up and fades out, and the new icon also scales up and fades in.