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Empty Editor Seats
Updated over a week ago

When a paid Editor leaves a team or their role is changed from Editor to Viewer, they will leave an empty seat on the team. The team's owner will see the empty seats in the team's member list.

Renewal of empty seats

At the end of the billing cycle, when the plan renews, the owner will be charged for all empty seats, alongside occupied seats. They need to remove the seat to avoid being charged.

Filling an empty seat

Because the seat is already paid for, the owner is able to invite a new Editor to the team or promote an existing Viewer from your team. The newly upgraded Editor will use the available seat, rather than triggering an additional charge for a new seat.

Removing a seat

If you’re the team's owner, you can remove a seat from your subscription entirely. Keep in mind, that once you’ve removed the seat, it will no longer be available to use for the remainder of the billing cycle. If you’d like to use a seat but don’t want it to renew, we recommend waiting until the very end of your billing cycle to remove it.

If you’d like to remove a seat from your plan, but don’t have any empty seats, you’ll first need to remove an Editor from your team, either by removing them from the team, or changing their role to Viewer.

If you have an empty seat, remove it by hovering over the row in the members list, and click “Remove” at the far right end of the row. You will be asked to confirm the removal.

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