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Text Field

A native element for inputting text.

Updated over 2 months ago


Text field elements are input fields where users can enter and edit text using the device's keyboard. Text fields use Apple’s native text field.

Element Properties

Placeholder Text

Enter the text that will appear in the text field before a user begins typing in it.


Enter a value for the text field, which will overwrite the placeholder text. Often, this property will be empty by default, and the user will enter a value.

Text Field Style

Set the text field's style to None, Line, Bezel, or Rounded Rectangle. In order below:



Set the colors for the text field's value fill and placeholder fill.

Text Properties

Set the text properties, which are the same for the placeholder and value. Learn more about text properties.


Customize the text field’s keyboard. It will use the QWERTY keyboard by default.


Set the keyboard’s type to default, email, number pad, or phone pad.

Return Key

Set the return key's CTA to Go, Google, Join, Next, Route, Search, Send, Done, or Continue.

Dismiss Keyboard on Return Key

Choose if the keyboard should close when the user hits the return key.


Choose if the text field will use auto-correction.

Text Content Type

Set the text field's expected input type so the system has information. Set the type to None, URL, City, State, City And State, Country, Credit Card Number, Date, Time or Duration, Email Address, Flight Number, Shipment Tracking Number, Full Street Address, Name, Name Prefix, Name Suffix, Given Name, Family Name, Job Title, Postal Code, Sublocality, Username, Password, New Password, or One Time Code

Dismiss Button

Choose if the dismiss button is visible on your text field.

Show Clear Button

Choose when the clear button is visible:

  • While Editing: The clear button is always visible unless the user is editing the text field.

  • Unless Editing: The clear button is only visible when the user is editing the text field.

  • Never: The clear button is never visible.

  • Always: The clear button is always visible.


Set if the text field’s value should display as a password. Anything the user types will show as dots like a password field, not as text characters.


Enter a tag number for the text field. This is useful when you have multiple text fields on a page and want to control which text field has focus after a given action.

Expression Editor Properties

Dismiss Keyboard On Return Key


Dismiss Keyboard on Return Key boolean set on the trigger.

Keyboard Type


Keyboard type set on the trigger.



Password value set on the trigger.

Return Key Type


Return key type set on the trigger.



Tag value set on the trigger.

Text Field Style


Text field style set on the trigger.



Current value of the text field.

Text fields also have access to general object properties.


Related Triggers & Actions


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