From titles to paragraphs, captions and more, text elements are a key part of most UI. Play lets you customize your text while staying within the bounds of technical feasibility. You’re able to edit text in the Element Settings Panel.
In macOS, you can add text to your page, canvas, or selection using the T key
Element Properties
Enter the text copy.
Play also provides auto-fill copy for CTA, Name, Date, Address, City, Short Headline, Long Headline, Paragraph, and Multi-Paragraph from the Context Bar settings.
Font / Style
Select the font family for the text.
Instead of selecting a font family, you can also select one of Apple's System Styles or a custom Type style from the project by clicking on the four-circle icon.
To revert to the default System Font, click the green dot next to the Font / Style property.
Set the weight from the options available for the selected font.
Set the font size. (not available for Custom or System Styles)
Set the font's design to default, monospaced, rounded, serif, compressed, condensed, or expanded (only available for System Font and System Styles):
Compressed: A rounded version of the default style.
Monospaced: A monospaced, code-like version of the default style.
Serif: A version of the default style with serifs.
Compressed: A significantly more narrow version of the default style.
Condensed: A slightly more narrow version of the default style.
Expanded: A slightly wider version of the default style.
Select the color of the text.
Set the letter spacing and line height, as a point value or a percent.
Set the horizontal (left, center, right, or justified) and vertical (top, center, bottom) alignment.
Editable Text
Is Editable
Choose if the text can be edited when tapped by the user. Any copy the user enters will be saved as the text element for the Play session.
Natively, UIKit does not support multi-line text fields, but you can use an editable text element as a multi-line text field.
Is Selectable
Choose if the text can be selected when a user double-taps it. The native edit menu will appear, allowing users to drag the selector and use the native options that appear, like Copy, Look Up, Translate, and more. All that functionality is built in and completely native.
Set the keyboard’s type to default, email, number pad, or phone pad.
Return Key
Set the return key's CTA to Go, Google, Join, Next, Route, Search, Send, Done, or Continue.
Dismiss Keyboard on Return Key
Choose if the keyboard should close when the user hits the return key.
Choose if the text field will automatically capitalize characters:
None: No characters will automatically be capitalized
All Characters: Capitalizes all characters
Sentences: Capitalizes the first character in sentences
Words: Capitalizes the first character in words
Choose if the text field will use auto-correction.
Text Content Type
Set the text field's expected input type so the system has information. Set the type to None, URL, City, State, City And State, Country, Credit Card Number, Date, Time or Duration, Email Address, Flight Number, Shipment Tracking Number, Full Street Address, Name, Name Prefix, Name Suffix, Given Name, Family Name, Job Title, Postal Code, Sublocality, Username, Password, New Password, or One Time Code
Dismiss Button
Choose if the dismiss button is visible on your text field.
Set if the text should be all uppercase, lowercase, title case, or as typed.
Choose to underline or strike through the text.
Text Linking
Add a URL link from a text element by highlighting the text and pasting the URL.
Expression Editor Properties
Is Editable
Whether the text is editable.
Is Selectable
Whether the text is selectable.
Keyboard Type
Keyboard type set on the trigger.
Letter Spacing
Current letter spacing of the text element.
Line Height
Current line height of the text element.
Current text size of the text element.
Current string value of the text element.
Text Auto Capitalization
Current Text Auto Capitalization of the element.
Text Color
Current color of the text element.
Text Content Type
Current expected input type of the text element.
Text elements also have access to general object properties.
Related Triggers & Actions
Text Event trigger
Set Text action