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Print Action

An action that displays a value for debugging.

Updated over 2 months ago


Print actions display a value above a prototype's UI. Print actions are useful for debugging interactions as you create them.

To ensure the printed value is accurate, place the Print action on the same trigger as the action affecting the value you're printing. Make sure the Print action is below the other action(s) as interactions in Play fire top to bottom.

Print actions are unique in that you cannot customize the appearance or behavior or the print UI—only the value. As such, you'll almost always want to disable print actions before testing your prototype with users. To display a value within the prototype's UI, use a Set Text action.

Action Properties


Set the title for the printed value.


Set the value to print.

To print multiple values in the same action, click on the purple plus icon. This will add an additional row with the same action properties.

Debugging with Print Actions

Imagine that in your prototype, a user must enter a verification code to sign in. They'll enter a value and, if the value is correct, a Set Variable action will change the value of a boolean variable called #isUserVerified from False to True.

To debug this interaction, you would use the following expression:

User Verified = #isUserVerified

"User Verified" is the title and "#isUserVerified" is the value.

If the print value returns True, you know the interaction is working correctly. If the print value returns False, you know the interaction is not working correctly and can begin to diagnose the problem.



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