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Timer Interactions
Timer Interactions
Updated over a week ago

A timer is a device that counts time in seconds. In Play, there are several interaction nodes related to timers.

Timer Trigger

A Timer trigger fires repeatedly at a given interval for a given number of repetitions.

You might use a Timer to:

Display a countdown timer using a text element.

Fill a gauge or progress bar.

Auto-cycle through a photo carousel.

Timer triggers have three properties:

  • Interval: Set the number of seconds between each time the trigger fires

  • Auto Start: Choose whether the timer should start automatically when the page is opened or wait for a Start Timer action

  • Repeat: Set the number of times the trigger should fire. Options include:

    • 1 - 100x: Set the exact number of repetitions

    • Continuous: Run the timer indefinitely, or until a Stop Timer action is fired

Timer Node

A Timer node also fires repeatedly at a given interval for a given number of repetitions. Unlike a Timer trigger, a Timer node can be added to any trigger. It doesn’t have an Auto Start property because it’s started by a trigger.

Other than Auto Start, Timer helpers have the same properties as a Timer trigger: Interval and Repeat. For a Timer helper, the number of repetitions must be defined, meaning it cannot be continuous.

Start and Stop Timer Actions

A Start Timer action starts a selected Timer trigger and a Stop Timer action stops a selected Timer trigger.

The customizable properties are Target and Timer, which let you select an object on the page and a Timer on that object. These allow you to specify which Timer trigger to start or stop.

Stop Timer actions are helpful when you want to stop a Timer trigger that is continuously repeating (Repeat = Continuous) or when you want to terminate a timer early.

Start Timer actions are useful when you want to start a timer with some other user interaction. Please note, Start Timer actions do not work on Timer triggers that have Auto Start enabled.

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