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System Colors
Updated over 4 months ago

System Colors in Play are the colors defined by Apple for Apple interfaces. These colors look good on various background colors, work with appearance modes and accessibility settings, and feel familiar to users.

Play gives you these colors, which can be used anywhere in Play. These are different from your project's Color styles. System Styles cannot be edited, so there is no concern that they'll be overridden.

You can select a System Style, or a Color Style, from the four-circle icon. The System Styles are written in blue and each has a "." in front of its title.

We'll include the System Color name in our code export, so your prototype and exported code will both update if Apple changes the colors' HEX codes.

System Colors all have a light version and a dark version. Play supports both versions, so System Colors will update based on your project's UI Appearance and a user's device settings.

Coming soon to System Color:

  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors

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