This support article is for an older version of Play for macOS (1.0), which is still available in the App Store. Play 2.0 has an updated interface and new interactions.
To read about actions in Play 2.0, visit this article.
A Play/Pause action pauses, plays, or stops a targeted video.
Target: Select the video that this action will affect
Playback: Choose if the video should play, pause, toggle between play & pause, or stop when the action is triggered
Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)
A Seek action unselects a currently selected map pin.
Target: Select the video that this action will affect
Type: Choose if the video should seek to a certain point in the video or seek by a certain number of seconds
Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)
Seek To
Time: Choose the time stamp in the video to seek to
Seek By
Direction: Choose if the video should rewind or go forward
Seek Amount: Choose the number of seconds to seek
A Loop action will turn loop (continuously reply of the video) on or off
Target: Select the video that this action will affect
Loop: Choose to turn loop on or off
Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)