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Canvas & Page

Each page in a project is a separate design that can connect together. In Play for macOS, each page is surrounded by a freeform canvas where you can create components, test layouts, and more. In Play for iOS, you can only view and edit what is on the actual page.

You can use interactions to create links between pages or use page containers to embed one page within another.

Creating a New Page


In macOS, you can add a page in the Project Viewer by clicking the empty page with a plus icon in the center. You’ll automatically be taken to the newly created page and a new tab will be added to the top bar. Clicking the plus icon in the tab bar will take you to the Project Viewer to add a new page.

You can also add a new page by using the keyboard shortcut CMD + N.


In iOS, you can add a new page by tapping on the page name in the top left status bar menu. You'll see a list of pages to navigate to and a button to add a new page.

Managing Pages


You can manage a page in macOS by right clicking on the page in the Project Viewer. You'll have options to:

  • Copy your project's share link from this page

  • Rename this page

  • Duplicate this page

  • Delete this page

  • Open this page

  • Open this page in a new window

  • Set this page as the Initial Page (disabled if it is already the Initial Page)

You can also rename the page by double clicking on the page's tab in the Editor.


You'll manage a page in iOS by opening the left status bar menu and tapping the ellipses icon next to the current page. You'll see options to:

  • Share your project from this page

  • Set this page as the Initial Page (disabled if it is already the Initial Page)

  • Rename this page

  • Duplicate this page

  • Delete this page

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