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Live Map Views
Updated over 8 months ago

Map elements let you use live Apple maps in your design. Users can interact with the map and any added pins.


On macOS, you can add any number of pins to your map by double clicking on the map to open a pop-up. Click anywhere on the pop-up to add a pin. You can repeat this process to add as many pins as you would like.

You can also customize your pins in the map pop-up. When a pin is selected, you can change the pin color, the label color (tint), and the pin's contents. We support SF symbols, images, text, or emojis as the pins’ contents. Turning on "Replace All Pins" will update all pins at once.

You can delete a pin by clicking the trash icon in the pop-up.

The iOS Pin Editor is still in development.


You can use the Type attribute to change from Standard, Satellite, or Hybrid.

Start Location

The Start Location property gives you the ability to change the start location of the map when it loads. By default, the Start Location property is set to User. To change the start location, tap on “Users” on the right side of the slider to bring up the other options.


When the start location is set to User, the map will be set to the user’s current location on the Map. The following options are available for customization:

  • Location Accuracy: The options here are Best, Navigation, and Reduced, which are set in order of how accurate the start location will be based on the user’s actual coordinates.

  • Altitude: You can use the Altitude attribute to zoom in and out of the map and set the exact altitude for the map’s start location. You can also enter a value for the altitude using the calculator.

  • Animate: When Animate is turned on, the map will animate to the start location.


When the start location is set to Pin, you can choose an existing pin on the map.

The following options are available for customization:

  • Index: Use the Index attribute to select a specific pin.

  • Select Pin: If the Select Pin attribute is turned on, the selected pin will be in its selected state at the start location.


When the start location is set to Custom, you can anywhere on the map as the starting location. Tap on the right side of the attribute to bring up a map panel where you can move and select the specific start location.

Similar to the User and Pin options, you can set the altitude and choose whether or not to animate to the start location.

Pin Is Selected

The Pin Is Selected attribute lets you customize what happens when a user selects a pin. To customize this feature, tap on the “Pin Is Selected” text on the right side of the attribute.

Move to Pin

When Move to Pin is on, the map will move to that pin’s location when it is selected.


You can use the Altitude attribute to set the altitude the map will go to when a pin is selected.

Offset X & Y

You can use the Offset X & Offset Y attributes to change where the pin appears on your screen when selected. By default, the selected pin is centered on the Map.

Other Settings

To customize other settings for a map, tap on the right side of the Other Settings attribute. By turning Auto off, you can customize the following settings:

  • Show Compass (Only visible while rotating the map)

  • Show Scale (Only visible while pinching the map)

  • Show Points of Interest

  • Show Buildings

  • Show Traffic

  • Pan (Turned on by default)

  • Zoom (Turned to on by default)

  • Rotate

Show User Marker

When the Show User Marker option is turned on, the user’s location will be marked by the default blue dot.

Map Specific Actions

There are certain triggers and actions that are unique to maps. The three actions for maps are always available in the actions panel. The two triggers unique to maps (Pin is Selected and Pin is Unselected) are only available as triggers when a map is selected.

Set Map Position

The Set Map Position action will let you set the map to a specific position when the trigger (i.e Tap) is executed.

Select Map Pin

The Select Map Pin action will select a chosen pin when the trigger (i.e. Tap) is executed.

Unselect Map Pin

The Unselect Map Pin action will unselect a chosen pin when the trigger (i.e. Tap) is executed.

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