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A native element that visually displays data.

Updated over 2 weeks ago


Charts harness Swift Charts to visualize data within your prototype. You can customize the type, style, legend, and more.

Right now, data is randomized, but in the future, Play will support data import.

Element Properties


Select the way the data is visualized:

  • Line: Each data set is visualized by a line.

  • Area: Each data set is visualized by a filled area above or beneath a line.

  • Plot: Each data set is visualized by a series of dots.

  • Bar: Each data set is visualized by a series of vertical bars.


Select the way your line behaves between data points (available for Line and Area charts only):

  • Monotone: Displays a smooth line by “guessing” the values between data points based on known data points.

  • Linear: Connects a straight line between each data point, creating a jagged path. It’s clear to a viewer where the data points are.

  • Step: Creates a vertical line in between each data point, connecting one point to the next with a step-like shape.


Select the shape of the data set to tell a desired story:

  • Increasing: Displays improving or rising values over the X-axis.

  • Decreasing: Displays decreasing values over the X-axis.

  • Steady: Displays consistent values over the X-axis.

  • Random: Displays random values over the X-axis.


Choose the number of data points for each series (2-100).


Set the variability in the data. A lower noise value makes the data more similar; a higher noise value makes the data vary more.


Set the number of series in the chart (1-5). Each series is a different data set, displayed as a different line, bar, dot, or area.


Choose how the series are stacked (available for Bar and Area charts only):

  • Default: Displays the series without stacking.

  • Centered: Displays the series stacked vertically in the middle of the chart.

  • 100%: Displays the series stacked to fill 100% of the vertical space by making the area/height proportional.

  • Overlapping: Displays the series stacked on top of each other.


Choose if the legend is displayed. If so, several other properties are available:


Choose if the legend is at the top of the chart, the bottom of the chart, or overlay on top of the data.


Choose if the legend is aligned to the left (leading), center, or right (trailing) of the chart.


Enter a label for each data set (series) in the chart, each separated by a comma. If there are fewer labels than series, the remaining series will automatically be labeled X, Y, Z, etc.


Set the gap between each item in the legend.


Set the appearance of the gridlines, ticks, labels, and label orientation on the X & Y axes.

Series 1, 2, 3

Choose a color for each series.

Expression Editor Properties

No chart specific Expression Editor properties. See all object properties.



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