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Date Pickers
Updated over a week ago

The date picker element lets you add a native iOS date picker to your product. You can customize your date picker’s functionality and display from Apple’s presets.


The Mode property lets you choose whether your date picker will display the date, the time, both the date & time, or a countdown timer. You’ll recognize these modes from native iOS apps.


The Style property defines how the date picker looks. There are three different options: compact, inline, and wheels.

  • The Compact style will show the data in a compact view that, when tapped, will expand for user interaction.

  • The Inline style will show the full view (i.e. for date mode, it will show a full calendar).

  • The Wheels style will show the date or time in a wheel interface which functions the same as a native picker.

Tint Color

Using the tint property, you can select the date picker’s accent color from your list of Color styles.

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