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The Position Panel
Updated over 5 months ago

The Position Panel is where you will adjust the placement of objects in your design. In macOS, the Position Pane is on the right side of the screen.

Pin To

By default, objects inside a container are in a relative position. This means objects will have an automatic position based on their order in the container and the direction of the container.

You also have the option to position the object absolutely. In Play, we call this “Pinned To.” Pinning an object will place it in a set position within its parent, and it will ignore the placement of the other objects that live inside the same container.

To make an object Pinned To, choose the position using the nine-point grid Pin To property.

Pin To Page

When you have pinned an object, the property below the grid titled “Pin To Page” will be enabled. Flipping the switch will place the object in the selected position at the page level. The object will stay in that position regardless of the page's scroll.

Offset X & Y

You can use the Offset X & Y Sliders to give an object a more specific position on the page or within its parent. Both the X & Y properties allow you to set positive or negative values.

Z Depth

You can use the Depth property to manage where an object is placed on its z-axis inside of its parent container. This property is useful when you want to change the order of overlapping objects without changing their positions.

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