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Map Actions
Updated over a week ago

Select Map Pin

A Select Map Pin action selects a pin on a map.

  • Target: Select the map that this action will affect

  • Index: Choose the index of the selected pin

  • Move To Pin: Choose if the map should move to the selected pin

  • Altitude: Choose the Z distance from the map

  • Offset X & Y: Choose the offset the pin should be from the location

  • Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Unselect Map Pin

An Unselect Map Pin action unselects a currently selected map pin.

  • Target: Select the map that this action will affect

  • Animate: Choose if the map should animate while unselecting the pin

  • Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

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