This support article is for an older version of Play for macOS (1.0), which is still available in the App Store. Play 2.0 has an updated interface and new interactions.
To read about actions in Play 2.0, visit this article.
Set Haptic
A Set Haptic action plays haptic feedback.
Type: Select the type of haptic feedback; options include Notification haptics, Impact haptics, and Selection haptics
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the haptic should play
Notification: Choose if the haptic should provide feedback for Success, Warning, or Error
Impact: Choose the haptic's impact level; options include Light, Medium, Heavy, Rigid, or Soft
Set Focus
A Set Focus action focuses on a text field and opens the keyboard.
Direction: Choose to focus on a specific text field or cycle through all text fields; options include Select Target, Forward, or Backward
Select Target
Target: Select the text field that this action will affect
Forward & Backward
Start Tag: Select the tag of the text field that should focus first
Wrap: Choose if the focus should cycle through all text fields again once they've all been focused
Dismiss Keyboard
A Dismiss Keyboard action dismisses a text field's keyboard.
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the keyboard should dismiss
Set Segment
A Set Segment action selects a certain segment of a segmented control.
Target: Select the segmented control element that this action will affect
Segment: Choose the segment to be selected
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the segment is selected