Set Haptic
A Set Haptic action plays haptic feedback.
Type: Select the type of haptic feedback; options include Notification haptics, Impact haptics, and Selection haptics
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the haptic should play
Notification: Choose if the haptic should provide feedback for Success, Warning, or Error
Impact: Choose the haptic's impact level; options include Light, Medium, Heavy, Rigid, or Soft
Set Focus
A Set Focus action focuses on a text field and opens the keyboard.
Direction: Choose to focus on a specific text field or cycle through all text fields; options include Select Target, Forward, or Backward
Select Target
Target: Select the text field that this action will affect
Forward & Backward
Start Tag: Select the tag of the text field that should focus first
Wrap: Choose if the focus should cycle through all text fields again once they've all been focused
Dismiss Keyboard
A Dismiss Keyboard action dismisses a text field's keyboard.
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the keyboard should dismiss
Set Segment
A Set Segment action selects a certain segment of a segmented control.
Target: Select the segmented control element that this action will affect
Segment: Choose the segment to be selected
Delay: Set the number of seconds after the trigger fires that the segment is selected