This support article is for an older version of Play for macOS (1.0), which is still available in the App Store. Play 2.0 has an updated interface and new interactions.
To read about actions in Play 2.0, visit this article.
Reset All Properties
A Reset All Properties action resets every changed property back to default.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)
Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)
Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring
Set Position X
A Set Position X action moves an object horizontally along the X axis.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's position; options are Position X To, Position X By, and Position X To Object
Position X To
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Start & End X: Set the X position values for the object to start and finish (Ex. the object starts at point A and moves to point B)
Position X By
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
X: Set the positive or negative X distance the object should travel (Ex. the object moves -X pts to the left)
Position X To Object
Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should move to in the X direction
Set Position Y
A Set Position Y action moves an object vertically along the Y axis.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's position; options are Position Y To, Position Y By, and Position Y To Object
Position Y To
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Start & End Y: Set the Y position values for the object to start and finish (Ex. the object starts at point A and moves to point B)
Position Y By
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Y: Set the positive or negative Y distance the object should travel (Ex. the object moves -Y pts up)
Position Y To Object
Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should move to in the Y direction
Set Position To Touch
A Set Position To Touch action moves an object to the location the user touched the screen.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
OffsetX & OffsetY: Set the object's distance from the user's tap in the X & Y directions (Ex. the object is X pts to the right and X pts below the user's tap location)
Set Width
A Set Width action sets an object's width.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's width; options are Width To, Width By, and Width To Object
Width To
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Start & End Width: Set the width of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" width option (Ex. the object starts at A% width and ends at B% width)
Width By
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Width: Set the positive or negative change in the object's width (Ex. the object's width grows by 10%)
Width To Object
Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should base its width on
Set Height
A Set Height action sets an object's height.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's height; options are Height To, Height By, and Height To Object
Height To
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Start & End Height: Set the height of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" height option (Ex. the object starts at A% height and ends at B% height)
Height By
Unit: Choose between points or percentages
Height: Set the positive or negative change in the object's height (Ex. the object's height grows by 10%)
Height To Object
Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should base its height on
Set Scale
A Set Scale action scales an object up or down in size.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's scale; options are Scale To and Scale By
Scale To
Start & End Scale: Set the scale of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" Scale option (Ex. the object starts at A% scale and ends at B% scale)
Scale By
Scale: Set the positive or negative change in the object's scale (Ex. the object scales up by 10%)
Set Opacity
A Set Opacity action sets an object's opacity.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's opacity; options are Opacity To and Opacity By
Opacity To
Start & End Opacity: Set the opacity of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" opacity option (Ex. the object starts at A% opacity and ends at B% opacity)
Opacity By
Opacity: Set the positive or negative change in the object's opacity (Ex. the object's opacity decreases by 10%)
Set Corner Radius
A Set Corner Radius action sets an object's corner radius.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's corner radius; options are Corner Radius To and Corner Radius By
Corner Radius To
Start & End Radius: Set the corner radius of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" corner radius option (Ex. the object starts at A pt corner radius and ends at B pt corner radius)
Corner Radius By
Radius: Set the positive or negative change in the object's corner radius (Ex. the object's corner radius grows by 2 pt)
Set Rotation
A Set Rotation action sets an object's rotation.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's rotation; options are Rotation To and Rotation By
Rotation To
Start & End Rotation: Set the rotation of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" rotation option (Ex. the object rotates from Aº to Bº)
Rotation By
Rotation: Set the positive or negative change in the object's rotation (Ex. the object rotates 10º)
Set 3D Rotation
A Set 3D Rotation action sets an object's rotation around the X, Y, or Z axis.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's rotation; options are Rotation To and Rotation By
Axis: Choose the object's axis of rotation; options are X, Y, and Z
Rotation To
Start & End º: Set the rotation of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" rotation option (Ex. the object rotates from Aº to Bº)
Rotation By
Rotation: Set the positive or negative change in the object's rotation (Ex. the object rotates 10º)
Set Order
A Set Order action changes an object's order in terms of its sibling's elements.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Order: Select the object's indexed order; options are 1-20 (Ex. the object will be in the Xth index position within its parent)
Set Depth
A Set Depth action changes an object'sZ depth, which determines whether it will appear in front of or behind other objects.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's depth; options are Bring To Front, Sent To Back, and Index
Set Gap
A Set Gap action changes the gap between objects within a stack.
Target: Select the stack that this action will affect
Gap: Set the distance between objects in the target stack (Ex. the gap between objects will be X pts)
Set Hidden
A Set Hidden action hides or shows an object.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Is Hidden: Choose if the object starts hidden or shown
Start & End Opacity: Set the opacity of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" opacity option (Ex. the object starts at A% opacity and ends at B% opacity)
Set Layer Blur
A Set Layer Blur action increases or decreases the blur on a layer.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Start & End Radius: Set the blur's radius at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" radius option; a higher radius = more blurry layer
Set Progressive Blur
A Set Progressive Blur action increases or decreases the blur on a layer.
Target: Select the object that this action will affect
Start & End Radius: Set the blur's radius at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" radius option; a higher radius = blur spread further across the layer