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Property Actions
Updated over a week ago

Reset All Properties

A Reset All Properties action resets every changed property back to default.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Set Position X

A Set Position X action moves an object horizontally along the X axis.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's position; options are Position X To, Position X By, and Position X To Object

Position X To

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Start & End X: Set the X position values for the object to start and finish (Ex. the object starts at point A and moves to point B)

Position X By

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • X: Set the positive or negative X distance the object should travel (Ex. the object moves -X pts to the left)

Position X To Object

  • Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should move to in the X direction

Set Position Y

A Set Position Y action moves an object vertically along the Y axis.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's position; options are Position Y To, Position Y By, and Position Y To Object

Position Y To

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Start & End Y: Set the Y position values for the object to start and finish (Ex. the object starts at point A and moves to point B)

Position Y By

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Y: Set the positive or negative Y distance the object should travel (Ex. the object moves -Y pts up)

Position Y To Object

  • Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should move to in the Y direction

Set Position To Touch

A Set Position To Touch action moves an object to the location the user touched the screen.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • OffsetX & OffsetY: Set the object's distance from the user's tap in the X & Y directions (Ex. the object is X pts to the right and X pts below the user's tap location)

Set Width

A Set Width action sets an object's width.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's width; options are Width To, Width By, and Width To Object

Width To

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Start & End Width: Set the width of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" width option (Ex. the object starts at A% width and ends at B% width)

Width By

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Width: Set the positive or negative change in the object's width (Ex. the object's width grows by 10%)

Width To Object

  • Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should base its width on

Set Height

A Set Height action sets an object's height.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's height; options are Height To, Height By, and Height To Object

Height To

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Start & End Height: Set the height of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" height option (Ex. the object starts at A% height and ends at B% height)

Height By

  • Unit: Choose between points or percentages

  • Height: Set the positive or negative change in the object's height (Ex. the object's height grows by 10%)

Height To Object

  • Object: Choose an object on the page that the target object should base its height on

Set Scale

A Set Scale action scales an object up or down in size.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's scale; options are Scale To and Scale By

Scale To

  • Start & End Scale: Set the scale of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" Scale option (Ex. the object starts at A% scale and ends at B% scale)

Scale By

  • Scale: Set the positive or negative change in the object's scale (Ex. the object scales up by 10%)

Set Opacity

A Set Opacity action sets an object's opacity.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's opacity; options are Opacity To and Opacity By

Opacity To

  • Start & End Opacity: Set the opacity of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" opacity option (Ex. the object starts at A% opacity and ends at B% opacity)

Opacity By

  • Opacity: Set the positive or negative change in the object's opacity (Ex. the object's opacity decreases by 10%)

Set Corner Radius

A Set Corner Radius action sets an object's corner radius.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's corner radius; options are Corner Radius To and Corner Radius By

Corner Radius To

  • Start & End Radius: Set the corner radius of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" corner radius option (Ex. the object starts at A pt corner radius and ends at B pt corner radius)

Corner Radius By

  • Radius: Set the positive or negative change in the object's corner radius (Ex. the object's corner radius grows by 2 pt)

Set Rotation

A Set Rotation action sets an object's rotation.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's rotation; options are Rotation To and Rotation By

Rotation To

  • Start & End Rotation: Set the rotation of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" rotation option (Ex. the object rotates from Aº to Bº)

Rotation By

  • Rotation: Set the positive or negative change in the object's rotation (Ex. the object rotates 10º)

Set 3D Rotation

A Set 3D Rotation action sets an object's rotation around the X, Y, or Z axis.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's rotation; options are Rotation To and Rotation By

  • Axis: Choose the object's axis of rotation; options are X, Y, and Z

Rotation To

  • Start & End º: Set the rotation of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" rotation option (Ex. the object rotates from Aº to Bº)

Rotation By

  • Rotation: Set the positive or negative change in the object's rotation (Ex. the object rotates 10º)

Set Order

A Set Order action changes an object's order in terms of its sibling's elements.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Order: Select the object's indexed order; options are 1-20 (Ex. the object will be in the Xth index position within its parent)

Set Depth

A Set Depth action changes an object'sZ depth, which determines whether it will appear in front of or behind other objects.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Type: Choose the way you'll set an object's depth; options are Bring To Front, Sent To Back, and Index

Set Gap

A Set Gap action changes the gap between objects within a stack.

  • Target: Select the stack that this action will affect

  • Gap: Set the distance between objects in the target stack (Ex. the gap between objects will be X pts)

Set Hidden

A Set Hidden action hides or shows an object.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Is Hidden: Choose if the object starts hidden or shown

  • Start & End Opacity: Set the opacity of the object at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" opacity option (Ex. the object starts at A% opacity and ends at B% opacity)

Set Layer Blur

A Set Layer Blur action increases or decreases the blur on a layer.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Start & End Radius: Set the blur's radius at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" radius option; a higher radius = more blurry layer

Set Progressive Blur

A Set Progressive Blur action increases or decreases the blur on a layer.

  • Target: Select the object that this action will affect

  • Start & End Radius: Set the blur's radius at the start and finish of the action, options include a "Current" radius option; a higher radius = blur spread further across the layer

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