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Page Actions in Play 1.0 (Outdated)
Page Actions in Play 1.0 (Outdated)
Updated over a week ago

This support article is for an older version of Play for macOS (1.0), which is still available in the App Store. Play 2.0 has an updated interface and new interactions.

To read about actions in Play 2.0, visit this article.

A page action is a response to a trigger that affects the user's page or page properties.

Open Page

An Open Page action takes the user from the current page to the destination page.

  • Page: Select the destination page (Ex. when the trigger fires, the user is taken to X page)

  • Style: Choose whether to open the page natively (default), as a non-sheet modal (Full Screen), or with a custom animation

Default Style

If a page without a navigation bar is opened with a Default style, it will enter from the bottom of the page and will look like a modal sheet but without sheet properties.

If a page with a navigation bar is opened with a Default style, it will enter from the right and the nav bar will transition natively.

Full Screen Style

If a page is opened with a Full Screen style, it will enter from the bottom and fill the full screen. You will need to add a button with a Dismiss Page action to dismiss the page.

Custom Style

  • Animation: Choose how the destination page animates into view; options are None, Move In, Scale In, Push In, Fade In, or Scale Up

  • Move In From: Choose the direction that the destination page animates into view from; options are Top, Left, Bottom, or Right

  • Load On Root Level: Decide if the new page should load on top of all page containers

  • Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Dismiss Page

A Dismiss Page action takes the user back to the previous page. Dismiss Page actions inherit the action settings of the Open Page action that took the user to that page.

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Open Sheet

An Open Sheet action opens another page as a modal on top of the user's current page.

  • Page: Select the destination page (Ex. when trigger fires, X page is open in a modal)

  • Size: Choose if the modal's size should be Large, Medium, or Medium & Large

  • Start Size: When "Medium & Large" Modal Size is selected, choose whether the modal starts as Medium or Large

  • Corner Radius: Set the modal's corner radius (Ex. the modal's corner radius is X pts)

  • Grabber: Choose if the modal's grabber is displayed

  • Prevent Dismissal: Choose if the user is able to dismiss the modal by swiping down

  • Always Scrollable: Choose if the modal's content can be scrolled

  • Interaction Beneath: Choose if the user is able to interact with content beneath the modal

Dismiss Sheet

A Dismiss Sheet action closes the open modal.

  • Animate: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

Load Page

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

  • Target: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

  • Select Page: Select the page that is loaded in (Ex. when the trigger fires, this page loads into the page loader)

  • Animation Page: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

Remove Page

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

Set Status Bar

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

  • Style: Set the status bar's style; options are Auto, Light, and Dark

  • Show Status Bar: Choose if the status bar is visible or not

  • Animation: Choose if the status bar changes are animated

  • Delay: (available only when animation is turned on) Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: (available only when animation is turned on) Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: (available only when animation is turned on) Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring


A Go To URL action takes the user to a set URL, not within a web view.

  • URL: Enter the full URL for the destination

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