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Page Actions
Updated over a week ago

A page action is a response to a trigger that affects the user's page or page properties.

Open Page

An Open Page action takes the user from the current page to the destination page.

  • Page: Select the destination page (Ex. when the trigger fires, the user is taken to X page)

  • Style: Choose whether to open the page natively (default), as a non-sheet modal (Full Screen), or with a custom animation

Default Style

If a page without a navigation bar is opened with a Default style, it will enter from the bottom of the page and will look like a modal sheet but without sheet properties.

If a page with a navigation bar is opened with a Default style, it will enter from the right and the nav bar will transition natively.

Full Screen Style

If a page is opened with a Full Screen style, it will enter from the bottom and fill the full screen. You will need to add a button with a Dismiss Page action to dismiss the page.

Custom Style

  • Animation: Choose how the destination page animates into view; options are None, Move In, Scale In, Push In, Fade In, or Scale Up

  • Move In From: Choose the direction that the destination page animates into view from; options are Top, Left, Bottom, or Right

  • Load On Root Level: Decide if the new page should load on top of all page containers

  • Delay: Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Dismiss Page

A Dismiss Page action takes the user back to the previous page. Dismiss Page actions inherit the action settings of the Open Page action that took the user to that page.

  • Duration: Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring

Open Sheet

An Open Sheet action opens another page as a modal on top of the user's current page.

  • Page: Select the destination page (Ex. when trigger fires, X page is open in a modal)

  • Size: Choose if the modal's size should be Large, Medium, or Medium & Large

  • Start Size: When "Medium & Large" Modal Size is selected, choose whether the modal starts as Medium or Large

  • Corner Radius: Set the modal's corner radius (Ex. the modal's corner radius is X pts)

  • Grabber: Choose if the modal's grabber is displayed

  • Prevent Dismissal: Choose if the user is able to dismiss the modal by swiping down

  • Always Scrollable: Choose if the modal's content can be scrolled

  • Interaction Beneath: Choose if the user is able to interact with content beneath the modal

Dismiss Sheet

A Dismiss Sheet action closes the open modal.

  • Animate: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

Load Page

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

  • Target: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

  • Select Page: Select the page that is loaded in (Ex. when the trigger fires, this page loads into the page loader)

  • Animation Page: Choose if the modal animates as it closes

Remove Page

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

Set Status Bar

A Set Status Bar action changes the appearance of your device's status bar.

  • Style: Set the status bar's style; options are Auto, Light, and Dark

  • Show Status Bar: Choose if the status bar is visible or not

  • Animation: Choose if the status bar changes are animated

  • Delay: (available only when animation is turned on) Set the number of seconds between the trigger firing and the action beginning (Ex. action will occur X seconds after the trigger fires)

  • Duration: (available only when animation is turned on) Set the number of seconds the action will take to complete (Ex. action will occur over the course of X seconds)

  • Easing: (available only when animation is turned on) Choose the action's easing curve; options are Default, Linear, Ease In, Ease Out, Ease In & Out, or Spring


A Go To URL action takes the user to a set URL, not within a web view.

  • URL: Enter the full URL for the destination

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