A Speech trigger activates the iOS device’s microphone and outputs the user’s spoken words.
Speech triggers use Apple’s SF Speech Recognition, which has several best practices to ensure the user’s speech is successfully heard and protect the user’s device battery.
In most cases, keep Auto Start off by default.
Limit Speech trigger’s duration to one minute.
Note: Apple's Speech Recognition does not work in App Clips, so Play's Speech trigger will not work in App Clips either.
Speech triggers will export correctly in Play to Xcode.
Trigger Properties
Set if the trigger is always listening or listening for a certain word or phrase:
Always: The Speech trigger is listening for anything spoken by the user.
On Words Spoken: The Speech trigger is listening for a certain word or phrase spoken by the user.
Enter the key word(s) or phrase(s), separated by a comma, that the Speech trigger will listen for. (only for On Words Spoken)
Stop on Match
Choose if the Speech trigger should stop listening when the selected word or phrase has been spoken (on) or continue running until a Stop Trigger action is fired (off). (only for On Words Spoken)
Auto Start
Choose if the Speech trigger should begin listening when the prototype loads (on), or if it should wait for a Start Speech action (off). We recommend keeping Auto Start OFF to preserve your battery.
Select the language the Speech trigger will listen for. Here is a list of available languages.
Uses Continuously
Choose if the Speech trigger’s output will contain the user’s full speech (on), or if pauses and/or continuous speech will continuously reset the output (off).
Max Silence
Set the duration, in seconds, of silence recognized by the Speech trigger before its output is reset, removing any words said previously. (only when Uses Continuously is off)
Max Speech Duration
Set the duration, in seconds, of speech recognized by the Speech trigger before its output is reset, removing any words said previously. (only when Uses Continuously is off)
Is Enabled
Set if the trigger should fire when the trigger's conditions are met.
Expression Editor Properties
Max Duration
Returns the current maximum speech duration
Returns the user’s spoken words
Speech Continuous
Returns a boolean of true if uses continuously is on
Returns an error message from Apple if no speech is recognized
Is Enabled
Whether the trigger is enabled or disabled.
Supported Languages
Arabic (ar-SA)
Cantonese (yue-CN)
Catalan (ca-ES)
Chinese (zh-CN)
Chinese (zh-HK)
Chinese (zh-TW)
Croatian (hr-HR)
Czech (cs-CZ)
Danish (da-DK)
Dutch (nl-BE)
Dutch (nl-NL)
English (en-AE)
English (en-AU)
English (en-CA)
English (en-GB)
English (en-ID)
English (en-IE)
English (en-IN)
English (en-NZ)
English (en-PH)
English (en-SA)
English (en-SG)
English (en-US)
English (en-ZA)
Finnish (fi-FI)
French (fr-BE)
French (fr-CA)
French (fr-CH)
French (fr-FR)
German (de-AT)
German (de-CH)
German (de-DE)
Greek (el-GR)
Hebrew (he-IL)
Hindi (hi-IN)
Hindi (hi-Latn)
Hungarian (hu-HU)
Indonesian (id-ID)
Italian (it-CH)
Italian (it-IT)
Japanese (ja-JP)
Korean (ko-KR)
Malay (ms-MY)
Norwegian Bokmål (nb-NO)
Polish (pl-PL)
Portuguese (pt-BR)
Portuguese (pt-PT)
Romanian (ro-RO)
Russian (ru-RU)
Shanghainese (wuu-CN)
Slovak (sk-SK)
Spanish (es-419)
Spanish (es-CL)
Spanish (es-CO)
Spanish (es-ES)
Spanish (es-MX)
Spanish (es-US)
Swedish (sv-SE)
Thai (th-TH)
Turkish (tr-TR)
Ukrainian (uk-UA)
Vietnamese (vi-VN)